05 Sep 2024


The Board met with Cutting Edge Account Manager, Conor McGrath and his team of irrigation technicians today.  We toured the common grounds for two hours and pointed out the location of our pumps, our irrigation timers, several current leaks, and other relevant features.  We asked that the irrigation be set so that paths and trails would not be watered during the day, when residents are walking or riding their bikes.

We discussed our current plans for stump removal and installation of sod, in addition to raising the canopy of trees which are currently impeding the movement of lawnmowers, as well as the safe movement of pedestrians.  We discussed in detail the current condition of our turf, including the accumulation of Thistle and other invasive weeds, as well as numerous bare spots, which will ultimately require the installation of sod.  The fescue on our shorelines will also be trimmed this fall. 
The team at Cutting Edge has made it clear that they welcome the challenges that our common grounds present and look forward enthusiastically to serving Island Woods and restoring our grounds to  a well-manicured state.