29 Aug 2024

Board Members

                                           BOARD MEMBERS – DIRECTORS 


    LORRAINE HENRY                  JOHN GLAZIER                         GARY  SALBERG

        President                              Vice President                      Secretary/Treasurer

  (Term Expires 2/1/2025)      (Term Expires 2/1/2025)      (Term Expires 2/1/2025)

                                BOARD MEMBERS – OFFICERS

     Darlene Travis                                      (?)                                              (?)
          Officer                                          Officer                                        Officer

    Road Safety &                         Facilities Oversight                        Community      
     Maintenance                            & Reserve Study                            Relations

(Term Expire 2/1/2025)           (Term Expires 2/1/2025)         (Term Expires 2/1/2025)

If you are interested in serving on the Island Woods Board,  please submit the Nomination Committee Form under the DOCUMENTS tab. 

                                                             OUR VISION

Taking the Board from adequate to great in compliance with Governing Documents and Idaho Code; with credibility, integrity, reliability, transparency and accessibility.  Recognizing our fiduciary responsibility to you, WE PROMISE:

TO DIG IN & BE METICULOUS:      To take time to review and understand and abide by our Governing Documents and to become thoroughly familiar with HOA issues and challenges.

TO BE CONSISTENT:     To enforce Governing Documents consistently and fairly and to act with honesty and integrity in applying local laws and HOA Covenants & Restrictions.

TO ASK FOR HELP:     To know our limitations and to consult appropriate professionals as needed to protect HOA from liability.  To listen to the experts and act on their advice.

TO DELEGATE:     To maintain this property within the budget and avoid conflicts of interest.  To take advantage of community resources, foster pride and participation and to be team players.

TO BE COLLABORATIVE:     To listen to HOA members.  The best interest of the community comes first.  To seek long-term value, solicit input and be teachable.  To follow up and follow through.

TO COMMUNICATE:     To be transparent about HOA finances and use technology to encourage feedback and input.  To make it easy to vote and participate in meetings.

TO ADAPT TO CHANGE AS NEEDED:     Based on what changes the community wants and how satisfied they are with the conditions.

TO HAVE A THICK SKIN AND A SENSE OF HUMOR:    To not take stuff personally.  To recognize that the Association is first and foremost a community dedicated to what’s truly best for Island Woods.